Monday, February 28, 2011

A little bit of Livyness

Livy said to me this morning, "Mommy, maybe when I'm twenty-four, I will be a teacher." Not sure where she got that number, but it struck me as funny. And let me tell ya, at age three, she's a pretty darn good teacher to all of her dolls and princesses! She takes them through her preschool schedule, minute-by-minute. It's hilarious to watch, especially when she doesn't know that you are. So stinkin' cute.

Somebody likes Mommy's new camera. We've already had a little "lesson" this morning about it, and I'm hoping that having her own camera will help... maybe?

After our "lesson," she happily posed for pictures with her brother...

And SpongeBob. :)


  1. Owen's hair is hilarious!

    (did she help herself to your new camera????)

  2. His hair is out of control. :) I have no idea what to do with it.

    She always wants to look at the pictures on the camera, and had a hard time not touching it. Her curious and clumsy little paws broke our last one, so she's not getting them on this one! :)
