Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Funnies (and some little flashbacks)

Olivia and I were talking about when Daddy and I went to Hawaii for Renee's wedding, and Olivia was in my belly. "Mommy, did you put me in your mouth to get in your belly?"  Ummm... think, Momma.  "No, honey... God put you there."  "Oh, ok."  Whew!

After school on Wednesday:  "Mommy, I potty-talked at school today."  "What did you say?"  "Diarrhea, ch-ch-ch."  Oh geez Louise... that's my girl!

I was looking through some old videos... there are so many cute ones, but these ones just struck me as not only super-cute, but wow... has Olivia grown up! The first one is April of 2010... and the second is June of 2010. What a difference a year makes!  Enjoy. :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My little ballerina

Today was Olivia's last day of Princess Pre-Ballet. :)

And a little video sample...

My little ballerina. :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Father's Day Weekend

We had a busy and super-fun Father's Day weekend. It started with Aunt Marz and Uncle Rick's housewarming and "Welcome Home, Tegan!" party.  Here is a picture of them with the sweet new addition to the family...

Some pre-meltdown pictures of Olivia having fun playing with a new friend...

Sunday we spent the day with Daddy's family...

Papa and the kiddos

Aunt Ali helping Liv with her "cartwheel"

Owen and Liv with Mimi and Daddy

WE SOLD THE HOUSE!! Just have to get through inspections, etc. of both places... then should be closing very soon! Like in a couple of weeks! So things are going to get even MORE nuts around here!! But it will all be worth it to have more space and a nice yard!!!! Keep your fingers crossed!!

Friday, June 17, 2011


I have a love-hate relationship with bedtime, and I'm pretty sure the Hubs would agree.  We know that at the end of the long, tedious, frustrating journey that is getting the kids to bed, we will have some much-needed downtime for a couple of hours.  But the journey... oh, the journey... that is the bedtime routine in this house.  Now, before Olivia jumped the crib at the age of 26 months, bedtime was a breeze (once she was sleep-trained at 4 months, that is).  Since then, it's slowly but surely become more difficult, especially as she has become more aware of button-pushing, stalling tactics, and manipulation of an exhausted Mommy and Daddy. This is just a teeny tiny little sample of what bedtime can look like for Olivia these days...

Anyone who has ever attempted to put this child to bed over the last year or so knows what a process it can be. Seriously, there was a time when I thought she might have OCD with the darn routine, that seems to always be evolving, and on her terms. Goodness, I remember about a year ago, maybe, she used to have to find all of these little beloved figurines of hers... Diego, Dora, Kai-Lan... and several others, and she had to throw them over the gate and Daddy had to go get them, then she had to put them all to bed... ugh. Now, you may say, in your naivete of not being Olivia's parent, "Um, you're the PARENT. Don't let her do it, and just put her to bed."  See, nothing works that way with my sweet, stubborn, strong-willed, spirited little spitfire. You've gotta get her to where you want her to be... yes, mostly on your terms, but you have to make her think it's on her terms, so it takes some compromise and creativity sometimes.  And you are just sooooooo tired... and soooooo over the day. It's usually been about 12-13 hours of me with the kiddos, refereeing wrestling matches, dealing with tantrums, wiping poopy bums, and other such fun by this time... that I am just DONE. So many nights I have thought to myself... JUST GO TO SLEEP... SERIOUSLY! Which is why I pretty much pi#%ed myself when I heard of this book.  ***WARNING*** If you are even remotely offended by foul language, do not watch this.  If you have no sense of humor about raising children, do not watch this.  And before you say that I should cherish having children to actually put to bed at night, believe me, I understand this more than many.  But, it doesn't mean that at the end of a long, sometimes very hard day when I've done my best and tried to give them everything I have, that I'm not completely spent and just ready for them to go to sleep.  So much so, in fact, that this has gone through my head (why, oh why, did I not think to write this book?!?):

I think I might buy the hardcover version, though Samuel L. Jackson reading this is PRICELESS. I also just heard about Monsters Eat Whiny Children, which may be next on my list. :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Funnies

"Can I call Gaga and say thank you for the 'dasagna'"?

When talking about using the barre at ballet class..."I really have to concentrate, or I will lose my 'valance.'"

Talking to Owen's caseworker... "Boys are easy, girls are tough."  Caseworker: "Who says that?"  Olivia: "Mommy!"

Busting out Lady Gaga in front of the same caseworker, minutes later: "I'm on the edge- of glory!" loudly and with feeling, of course. :) Said caseworker almost peed her pants laughing.

One of the many reasons she wasn't ready to go to bed this week..."I have a lip ache."

"Mommy, do you know why we don't touch plugs? Because they have ee-lack-tricity in them."

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


OK, so it's not "officially" summer yet, but it has definitely begun around here! The regular school year is over and it's been like 90 degrees almost every day! We decided that a cute, short, little-boy haircut was in order...

Doesn't he look like such a BIG BOY?!?  He did really great this time (with the help of the airplane he was flying and Team Umizoomi he was watching at Little Snips)!  This kid has had 3 haircuts already and he's 14 months old! I swear, he's had more hair cut OFF of his head than Olivia had ON her head at that age!

Also, Daddy turned 29, (again... for the 10th year in a row!!) and Gaga and Pap Pap had a little party for him at their house...

Livy and Callie putting the candles on the cake

Daddy and his big boy

The 4 grandkids... Liv, Owen, Callie, and Mira, with the birthday boy and Gaga and Pap Pap

This picture absolutely CRACKS ME UP.

Stevie and Adrienne

Uncle Wayne and Callie

It was such an awesome day!!! I LOVE OUR FAMILY!! We are SO BLESSED!!

Oh, and have I mentioned...??

Aaahhhhhh!! If you would, please pray to St. Joseph or whoever you would like to pray to for us!! :) We're really hoping to sell by the end of July!