Friday, February 4, 2011

I did it!

I finally started a blog. I've been wanting to for quite some time now... and after some coaxing from my wonderful friend, Sara, (who is an awesome blogger btw... I have alot to learn from her!) I finally did it! It's been hard to find the time to actually sit down and get started, but I know that I have to... if for no other reason than to start documenting this wonderful craziness that is being a mommy to these two kids! I have not been very good at journaling this chaotic, amazing, guessing game called parenting... and I have ALOT of material (those of you who know Olivia and her antics know what I mean). If friends and family want to follow us or check in and see what's going on in our world, welcome aboard! It's almost always sure to be a wild ride!!

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