Tuesday, February 22, 2011

And... we're back to winter

So remember spring in February last week? Yeah, well... it's winter again here in Southwestern Pennsylvania. That was such a teaser it's almost not fair! This is what it looks like now where we were chalk-drawing and playing 4 days ago:
I said I wouldn't complain... or I said it was ok, or something. I lied. We got around 6 inches or so where we live, which made for cancellations and delays and messy commutes. Liv was pretty disappointed when her Reader's Theater class was cancelled. She was happy to see Daddy this morning, though... special treat for a weekday when she wakes up! And I guess spending all of that time outside was a bit of a double-edged sword... we're all sick now, with Owen getting the worst of it. Poor kid. I hate when they're sick. So yes, I'm complaining. Because I can. It's my blog. :)

On the up-side, we had a really great visit with Adam's family (it always makes me laugh when I say that. Da da da, snap snap) this weekend. The kids had a blast with their cousins, aunt, and grandparents. Owen just LIT UP when he saw his Papa, and Olivia completely idolizes and adores her big cousin. They played alot of dress-up, of course, and poor thing bawled when it was time to go home.

Have I mentioned I REALLY need a camera?!? I was going to go try some out last night, but Mother Nature had other plans (refer to beginning of post).  Only 27 days until spring, right?!?

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! That didn't last long!
    What a bummer...
    and, I support you...
    go buy a camera :)
