Friday, March 11, 2011

Four years

Dear Baby Girl,

Four years ago today, Mommy and Daddy found out we were going to have a baby. Goodness... four years... seems like so long ago, yet at the same time it has gone by so fast. I will never forget how I felt the moment I realized it could finally be happening, nor will I forget the joy on Daddy's face. We wanted you SO BADLY, and had been waiting and waiting, most often not-so-patiently, for almost two years. I still laugh when I think about us looking at the test at every possible angle, under every type of light in our house, just to be sure that line was really there. We had Braden's birthday party to go to later that day, and had the biggest secret of our lives to keep. I remember just sitting there, watching all of the little kids laugh and play, wondering if you would be a boy or a girl, what you would look like... just imagining you playing with the rest of the kids. I still just couldn't believe it, and I don't think it really started to sink in until the doctor confirmed it, and we saw you on ultrasound for the first time. The moment we heard your heartbeat... that was honestly the most beautiful sound I had ever heard up until that moment. This is you at 9 weeks in my belly:

I had a pretty uneventful pregnancy with you, if you don't count the constant throwing up. :) I couldn't have cared less, though. Every time I walked out of that bathroom, I had a smile on my face. I really did. I felt beyond lucky to be carrying you, and to be your Mommy. I already loved you so much. The bigger you got, the less sick that I started to feel, though it took awhile... twenty-something weeks. McDonald's always seemed to help. :) Daddy used to tease me that I would probably give birth to a Big Mac. I loved anything McDonald's, and became especially addicted to their sweet tea. Here's Mommy at 36 weeks pregnant with you:

Just over two weeks later, the day finally arrived when you decided you were ready to come out of Mommy's belly and meet everyone. I had been having contractions for two days and was exhausted, but nothing was really happening. Daddy and I decided to go walk around the mall... he bought a pair of jeans... then we ate dinner at the Olive Garden. I was having contractions the whole time, and we laughed because we swore we would never be that couple in early labor out-and-about, trying to pass the time, yet there we were.  Later, after we got home, you let us know that it was time. Gaga, Pap Pap, Mimi, Papa, and Aunt Ali all came to the hospital. At 7:09 the following morning, you were born. Our sweet Olivia Claire. Oh, how we had prayed for you! We decided not to find out if you were a boy or a girl until you were born, and I just couldn't believe it when Dr. Moore said "You have a daughter." The sweetest words I'd ever heard. Daddy and I spent some time with you, then your grandparents and Godmother came in to meet you.

I should have known after those next couple of days in the hospital and your complete refusal to breastfeed that you were a force to be reckoned with! :) We laugh about it all the time and always say that you came out of the womb with that strong will of yours! You were a good baby, though, and became a good sleeper finally around 4 months old. Daddy loved to sing/play Billy Joel's "Lullabye" to you, and Mommy would rock you and hold you while we listened to "A Mother's Prayer" by Jim Brickman and Carnie Wilson, and I cried many, many happy tears those nights. Your special nite-nite song became "You Are My Sunshine," sung very soflty and quietly.

We were loving every minute of watching you grow, and had no idea that we would continue to love you more every single day, every single month, of every single year... we didn't know we could love you more! But we do. You bring us more joy, baby girl, than you could ever imagine. You make us laugh constantly, and yes, sometimes you make us want to pull out our hair. :) But you're learning, in your own time, how this world works (you ornery little stinker!). You are SO SMART, have this incredible vocabulary, and amazing memory. You love to tell and act out stories... our little drama queen. You have this fire inside of you and will about you, which tells me that you're not going to be afraid to go after what you want in life. At the same time, you are one of the sweetest, silliest, most loving little girls I have ever known. There is nothing that makes me happier than when you wrap your arms around my neck, say "I love you, Mama," and sweetly kiss my cheek or my lips. You make our hearts so full! We love you, baby girl, more than anything in the whole wide world.

Mommy and Daddy


  1. oh my goodness, this was the sweetest post ever! <3

  2. What a beautiful tribute to Olivia! She will cherish this when she is older :). I am tearing up as as I read it because there is always something special about the little person who makes you a mommy.

  3. What a beautiful love letter to your daughter!
