Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Funnies

"Can I call Gaga and say thank you for the 'dasagna'"?

When talking about using the barre at ballet class..."I really have to concentrate, or I will lose my 'valance.'"

Talking to Owen's caseworker... "Boys are easy, girls are tough."  Caseworker: "Who says that?"  Olivia: "Mommy!"

Busting out Lady Gaga in front of the same caseworker, minutes later: "I'm on the edge- of glory!" loudly and with feeling, of course. :) Said caseworker almost peed her pants laughing.

One of the many reasons she wasn't ready to go to bed this week..."I have a lip ache."

"Mommy, do you know why we don't touch plugs? Because they have ee-lack-tricity in them."

1 comment:

  1. Molly couldn't brush her teeth the other night...because her tummy hurt.
