Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Holy blog-slacker!

My goal when I started this blog was to try to post once or twice a week. Well, it's been over 2 weeks since my last post, and I just know that my hundreds of five followers are devastated! It's been a very busy couple of weeks with preschool, Reader's Theater, playdates, birthday parties, swim lessons, and a BIG birthday bash! Not to mention just the general, everyday trying-to-maintain-some-sort-of-sanity in this house (i.e. keeping Olivia from tackling her brother 5,000 times a day).

It was Owen's 1st birthday!

We had his big 1st birthday party last Sunday at our neighborhood's clubhouse with a ton of family and friends! Here are some of Aunt Melanie and Gaga's pictures. We had so much fun, though Owen was not a big fan of his cake AT ALL!  He was so tired by the end of the party that we opened presents the next day. And when I say "we" I mean "I"... as this is how he opened his first present...

Last Thursday was an absolutely gorgeous day! I took the kiddos to Gaga and Pap Pap's for the day so that we could play in their big backyard! We also went to story time at the local library with Pap Pap and Callie...

And last, but certainly not least, Olivia's preschool's Art and Music Festival was on Friday.

It's really a shame she's so shy, isn't it?!?

Owen is crawling like a madman and pulling-to-stand on his own, and Olivia is... Olivia. :) Her latest little imaginative pastime is pretending to be her favorite characters, and pretending that all the rest of us are, too. Just a few examples... "Olivia! Stop pushing your brother so fast!"  She responds, "Yes, Wicked Stepmother."  In the morning when she wakes up, she usually will not get out of bed, but calls for us to let us know she's awake. This morning she yells, "Princess Presto! It's morning time!" (a character from Super Why). Last weekend at a friend's daughter's birthday party, she was referring to her brother so much as Wyatt (again, from Super Why) that the little girl's grandfather told my husband how much he loved the names we had chosen for our children, Olivia and Wyatt. :) She's just such a trip.

Anyway, my kids are nuts and I'm one tired Mommy... but I wouldn't want it any other way! OK, maybe I wouldn't mind a few minutes of down time every now and then... but I just don't think it's going to happen until the kiddos (or at least Olivia :) ) are in school. I just take a deep breath and remind myself to enjoy it, even in the tough moments, because I know they're going to be grown before I know it!


  1. I keep checking in...and I know that life sometimes gets hectic...and the last thing you want to do is blog :)

    We love Super Why!, too...
    but, now, all Molly wants is School House Rock. She's probably the only 3 year old who knows the words to Conjunction Junction and can tell you what an adjective is!

  2. Boy, you guys are staying really busy! That video of Olivia is PRICELESS. She is so adorable and something else. Her Taylor and Molly would have such fun together :).
